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Picture from Unicef for an unsolicited charity event 

Data for Charity


Design a (pretend) charity event where UNICEF will benefit from all profits from one product.

UNICEF e-shop sells branded products but hasn’t looked recently at its analytics.

We will use data to identify the best way to launch their charity event.

SPOILER ALERT: the best-selling article is the Google Unisex Black Eco Tee and we will use email campaigns to attract users.

Reminder: this is a student project with a hypothetical scenario. All results are based on the Analytics from the Google Store and Unicef didn't mission me.


Analyse the analytics of the website to

1- Check its efficiency

2- launch a charity event through the website



Use any data from Google Analytics to give feedback about users and sales and then focus on the charity event with one item to sell to get funds for Unicef.


Starting Point

We started by examining the first report, number of users and new users over a short period go time (1 month): we found a peak in traffic, one first clue.

Overview of Google Analytics 4

Using GA4.jpg

Life Cycle reports

Breaks down user activity at each stage in the customer user journey, from acquisition to retention.


User reports

helps you understand the people who use your websites and apps, such as ages, interests, devices, and app versions.


Technology reports

shows traffic by the technology your audience uses


1_Life Cycle_User acquisition_First User channel hgrouping Sep5 Oct 2.png

Starting point 

We can see there are more new users on Sept 26-27.


User acquisition

<<<more precisely how new users are acquired


2 main channels: Direct and Organic Search


That mean they perfectly know your company


Technology reports

By looking more deeply into the next report, you will see that the source of acquisition called “email” brings you a high average engagement time (7 min 02). 

By looking more inside User acquisition reports, I found that a very specific email campaign generated the peak in users.

Now that we know WHO are the users, WHAT attracts them,
HOW to reach out to them,
we can FOCUS on the ONE ITEM
we want to sell for the Charity Event

Picture from Google Merchandise Store for an unsolicited charity event for Unicef


In this case, those metrics are showing us the same article: the GOOGLE UNISEX ECO TEE BLACK

Here, 2 elements are very important for our analysis:

- the Basket-To-View rate

- the Purchase-to-View rate

The Basket-to-View rate is the number of users who added an item to their shopping cart per users who viewed the item.

The Purchase-to-View rate is the number of users who purchased an item per users who viewed the item.

The higher those rates,

the more attractive is that item.

Design Process

User demographics.jpeg
Usability tests.jpeg

Information from metrics

We know now that most of the users of the website are AMERICAN, they use their DESKTOP to come to the website and they are generating most of the revenue independently of any other influence.

They are very reactive to emailing campaigns  and the best-selling article is the Google Unisex Black Eco Tee. 


Usability Test

We will gave 5 users of the targeted users the specific task of buying the best-selling article we will use for the charity event.

We performed a guerrilla usability testing based on how long does it take them to find the article and buy it and fix all the pain points found during the task.


Sketches and Final version

We used the information from metrics and the usability test results to design 3 versions of the homepage. The client chose the version he preferred but it could have been validated by a quick A/B testing on our 5 users.

Hand Sketches.jpeg
Hand Sketches2.jpeg
Hand Sketches3.jpeg

Final Result

3 designs.png

High-fidelity prototype based on Google Merchandise Store for an unsolicited charity event for Unicef


Please feel free to contact me.

Thank You For Contacting Me

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